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buy land and build a house

Living in their own house is a dream for everyone. There is a long process to buy land and build a house as expected. This magazine will guide you to make the right choice and build your dream house.

1.Choose the Right Place to Live

   Before you start working with a real estate agent or looking for a land, firstly choose the best place for living. It is important to live near the city which has all facilities like educational institutions, workplace, hospital, bus stop, restaurant, medical etc.

2.Search for a Land

   Once you see the land for sale, find a real estate agent. A real estate agent can help you to find listings that you don’t have access to on your own. The right agent will include provisions in contract and protect you if the land is unsuitable to build.

3.Visit the Sale Land

   Even after finding the land you love, it may not be suitable for your needs and wants. Visiting the property and looking for all facilities may be better.

4.Get a Land Survey

   Taking a professional survey is very important that will help you guarantee the property is suitable. You come to know the property’s boundaries from where it starts and ends. This will rescue you from future boundary disputes with your neighbors.

5.Make an Offer

   Once you are ready to buy, your real estate agent can help to determine a reasonable offer. Your real estate agent works with the seller to reach an agreement you both are comfortable with.

6.Pay for Property

   In the next step, I need to figure out how to finance buying and building a house. There are some options for financing

·         Land loan

·         Personal loan

·         Construction loan

 7.Groundwork for Building Home

   After all these processes get over you can start constructing your home. You must commit with a team of members who are architects to design your home. You must also hire employees for construction purposes.

8.Close on the Property

   Make sure to close on the property just like any other real estate transaction.

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